Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The First Baby Food

So since the Dr. recomended we start trying to give her solids (and after I got over myself) we gave Arianna her first sweet potatoes. This was her reaction to it!

That's right she HATED it. She started crying and didn't swallow anything.

So we tried again later that night and she decided she liked it. She ate 6 or more spoonfulls. Oh that bib is hillarious. Clayton always calls her little piggie or piglet and this bib from Clayton's cousin is PERFECT. So so cute.

When we went to the store I got the baby food but I forgot to get a baby spoon so we used a regular spoon. We just bought baby spoons so she will have fun gumming the rubber part hopefully.

Love this little girl so very much!!

1 comment:

Austin Christina Cranney said...

Oh she is a cutie! We have been having fun feeding Molly solids too.