Arianna's Birthday was on Thanksgiving this year!! I couldn't think of a more fitting birthday this year. We set her presents on the coffee table and when she woke up we pointed them out to her and she shook her whole body with enthusiam and then ran over and started opening them all. I love this age where she gets so excited and she is always saying the funniest things.
She loved all the presents and loved having her birthday. The whole day we would tell her how cool she was for having her birthday. Because her Birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year it was a busy day. We went to Clayton's parents for lunch at 1pm we all ate and had fun then we celebrated Arianna's, Granny's, and Nate's birthdays. It was alot of fun. I didn't capture many photo's. It was hard trying to be happy when my heart was so full of sorrow. December came exactly 2 weeks before Arianna's birthday. I anticipated Arianna's birthday going a little differently, but everyone pitched in and helped out and it turned out fine. Thanks to Aunt Kayleigh for making the cutest turkey cupcakes :) Then that night we went up to my parents to enjoy another thanksgiving feast. This is what you get when my parents and Clayton's parents live 30 miles from eachother :) My grandma, uncle Curtis and Kay, Stephanie and Todd, and my cousin Spencer and his wife and son were all there. It was fun and again we had a little celebration for Arianna.
Below are random pictures of our sweet Arianna! She has blessed our lives more then I can ever express!!
Looking back at all these pictures brings back so many amazing memories. When I first found out I was pregnant with her, when i saw her heart beat for the first time, when we found out she was a girl, when I held her in my arms for the very first time, waking up in the middle of the night so happy to breastfeed and take care of my crying daughter, singing her lullibies, taking care of her RSV, her first words, her first roll-over, her first standing on her legs, crawling (my least favorite stage so far), her first steps, eating handfulls of dog food and dirt, her first smile, her first giggle. There are so many things that make my heart so happy! She has been our little miracle from the very the begining. I believe every life is a miracle, but expecially her because she is my only one out of 6 that made it all the way to live on this earth. God knew what he was doing, if we didn't have Arianna we wouldn't be as progressed as we are today. Clayton and I are just head over heals in love with our sweet baby girl.
Happy Birthday Arianna!!
Some things she's into right now are:
* Saying full sentences
* Saying Langston slang ie: pantaloons, drawers, lets go yo
* Saying Mmmhhhhmmmm (she does this all the time it's hillarious)
* "I do it all by myself" is a big one now
* She has an amazing memory and will tell stories of what happened to her earlier that day. My favorite is when she re-creates her crying. ie: Amber and I went running this last Wed and Tyler watched the kids I guess she cryed the whole time I was gone so I got back and asked her what she did and here is what she told me: "I hidin under dthere (while pointing to the couch) an goin like this wa wa an saying mama. It scarry mamma.
* She will go potty with no problems if she is naked and at home, otherwise it's in her diaper. Not sure why she wont go potty any more but oh well, i'm sure it will happen again in time.
* We went into her 2 year appointment she weighs 23 lbs and she is now in the 10th percentile Yay!!
* Some days she eats a ton but most days she hardly eats enough for a bird.
* She loves other kids, especially babies
* She still has her bwanket and binkey and has to have them for night night
* She knows that her baby sister is in "heaben"
* She knows that baby sister is an angel baby now and there's "heartbeat no more"
I'm writing this the day before I was scheduled to deliver her sister December Grace, and i'm so overwhelmed with both happiness and sorrow. I wanted her to be a big sister so bad!! That is one of the hardest things to get over. She loves babies and is always so helpful, she would have made the BEST big sister. I had so many plans for them together. I both love it and hate it when I go into Arianna's room at the back of her closet and see the matching outfits I bought for her and "baby sister". I was so excited for them to be best friends and worst enemies. But life changes and it can change in an instant. I plan on making the best out of our horrible situation and I just know that she will someday soon have both older siblings and a younger sibling. Plus we have a hand full of guardian angels to watch over our family until we can all be together again. Not many other families have that!
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