It's been a while since I had a post just for Arianna. So this is for my sweet, crazy, funny, beautiful girl. She is doing fantastic and is the light of my life. She makes everyday interesting and there is never a dull moment when she's awake.
She still doesn't watch TV but whenever you ask her what cartoon she wants to watch it's always "my pony" which is my little pony. It's her favorite I have no idea why because after the first opening song she doesn't care about it. I have yet to get her to watch more then 5 min of any show. I'm so glad she doesn't LOVE the TV but it would sure be nice if she at least liked it so I could get some uninterupted time to myself every once and a while.
She LOVES to help mom. Whatever i'm doing she's always right with me "helping". She always asks "what you doin' mom" and my usual answer is "mamma's cleaning". If I give her a rag she will usually try and help me clean. She also is good about cleaning up her messes and spills with a rag. It's kinda nice and i'm hoping soon I won't need to re-clean her already cleaned up messes :) She is loving helping me with cooking, she brings the stool over to wherever i'm at and is always mixing, or sorting or peeling things with me. She loves watching me cook over the stove too and is usually right where she can witness all the action.
She is talking alot now. She will talk in sentences and string words together I didn't even know she knew. It's fun to hear her get excited and talk to her daddy when he gets home from work. The other day we went shopping and she fell in love with an elmo toilet seat cover for kids. We didn't have one so I bought it for her and she was soooo excited to tell daddy.
Also with potty training she has gone off track for about a month and has reverted back to diapers. I've heard from lots of people that when you potty train your kids early they have a period of time where they will revert back and as long as you don't make a big deal about it they usually get back into the swing of things when they are ready. So we bought a big pack of diapers from costco and are taking it as it comes. Now that she's got her cool elmo toilet seat she's going potty much more often. So hopefully we can throw the diapers away before they all get used :)
She's so silly and is always laughing and trying to make other laugh. She still loves attention, and will do almost anything to make you look.
She absolutely LOVES babies!!! Oh my word does she ever. Little baby Gramm gets loved on by Arianna every min or two. She is like a little mommy and is so concerned when he cries and she tries to console him by giving him his binkey or saying "it's ok" or she will sing him rock a bye baby. It's so cute to watch. I'm so excited to see her with her baby sister. Any time she sees anything baby related she points and says "look mommy, baby". It's the best when we are out shopping or doing things and she does that.
She is so fun and i'm so lucky to be her mamma. I can't imagine life without her. Our little world revolves around her and she is the center of our lives.
This is a picture of her crashed out in the car. We were shopping and she was real cranky because it was her nap time. I got her in the truck and she was whining for her blanket and binkey I had to go through the bank and so she got a sucker, after about 5 sec after she put the sucker in her mouth she was sound asleep. I thought it was so cute and needed to capture the moment.
1 comment:
Lilly wouldn't watch tv for long until she got older and neither do my others. It's on for Lilly but they just play after the opening song, too. There are some times when they will want to watch longer, if they want to snuggle on my lap. They are also starting to pay more attention to Caillou on Sprout. I just don't think kids this young have that long of attention spans.
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