Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, April 8, 2013

5 Month's

 I love this picture. It captures the emotions so well! I cry every time I look at it.

 This is how I felt for the longest time and I'm finally breaking out of my cacoon. I just hope i'm the person God is leading me to be. This is the hardest thing to have to live through. It hurts so bad.

We have a wall in our hall dedicated for December and when I look at it I have this feeling. I just want to hold her one more time. I want to give her one more kiss. But it's like that country song "One more sunset baby I'd be sattisfied, but then again I know what it would do, leave me wishing one more day with you". Uggh a whole lifetime is too long to wait!

 Haha totally me! My motto lately "fake it till you make it".  Also why do we ask people "how are you" when we really don't care? It bugs me so bad. If you don't REALLY care about how i'm really doing just say "HI" that's what the word is for.




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